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Tasks Done

  • 1st Task: Reck & Roll For this task, gang leaders had to select 2 male roadies each. 1 of the roadies had to break a set of materials into small pieces and the other roadie was tied hanging on top. The tied roadie had to free himself & put as many pieces into a jar, the pair with more number of pieces will win. The winners will then get to choose in which gang they want to be in.
Gang leader1st Preference2nd Preference
  1. Neha vs Prince: None of them was able to finish the task.
  2. Nikhil vs Raftaar: Team Nikhil won.
Rohan chose Nikhil's Gang & Kashish chose Prince's Gang.
  • 2nd Task: ID Shoes Lag Gai For this task, gang leaders had to select 1 male roadie each whom they don't want to be in other gang leader's gang. The 4 roadies will compete to earn immunity from the 1st Vote-out. The task was divided in 3 rounds.
Round 1: The roadies have to pull a log of wood tied with a rope along a pulley and drop it on a box to break it and get the flag in it. The first 3 roadies to get the flag move to the next round. Round 2: The 3 roadies have to wrestle in a circle marked on the ground to push a contestant out of the circle. The remaining 2 roadies move to the last round. Round 3: The roadies have to climb a ladder and reach the top to place their flag. One of their leg is tied to a metal weight covered by wooden planks. The roadies have to pull the weight up breaking the planks and reaching the top. The one who will reach first, will win the task.
Gang leaderChoice
  1. Sonu was eliminated in 1st Round & was directly in the danger in the 1st Vote-out.
  2. Vidit was eliminated in 2nd Round & was in the danger in the 1st Vote-out.
  3. Abhishek was eliminated in 3rd Round & was in the danger in the 1st Vote-out.
Bibek won the task & won immunity.
  • 3rd Task: Ice Ice Baby
For this task, gang leaders had to select 1 female contestant as their first choice, the selected girl had to select her best friend for this task. All four girls had to put her hand inside ice to raise flag and see the sequence of artifacts which she had to arrange in perfect order. If she fails, she had to convince other performers to join to raise the flag again but the sequence will be changed. After completing her friend should do the same. The winner who is the first choice will get the advantage.
Gang leader1st PreferenceFriend Choice
  1. Shruti and Minni won the task.
  2. Shruti chose Nikhil's gang which gave him the two powers.
i) He had to put Shruti's partner Minni in one of the other three gangs. Minni joined Prince's gang.
ii) He had to put any one female roadie each in the other two gangs. Nikhil put Farah in Raftaar's gang and Surbhi in Neha's gang.
  • 4th Task: Daawat-e-Darts For this task, gang leaders had to select 1 female roadie each whom they don't want to be in other gang leader's gang. The 4 roadies will compete to earn immunity from the 2nd Vote-out. The four girls had to sit on a platform and throw darts at the four poles or the board having the names of all the other roadies along with the gang leaders behind the poles. If the dart hit the pole, the girl would herself perform the task. If the dart hit a name on the board, the girl should convince that roadie or gang leader to perform for her. The contestant performing had to spin the wheel having the names of four local delicacies and had to eat that dish on which the arrow landed. When a contestant ate the dish, the concerned girl got one point. The girl who will get 5 points will win the task.
Gang leaderChoice
Preeti won the task & won immunity.
  • 5th Task:Rang Dheela
For this task the gang leaders had to decide who would go against whom, but the competition would be between all 4 of them. Raftaar went against Prince and Neha against Nikhil. One gang leader had to decide which roadies (one girl and one boy) would play for the gang leader going against him and vice versa.
Gang leaderChoice forChoice
The task has 3 phases. Each phase is to be performed by either of the two roadies and the gang leader.
Phase 1: The first member has to climb up a structure and pull out bamboos having colored bricks, which will fall down when the bamboo is pulled out.
Phase 2: The second member has to duel the second member of the opposite team to pick up the brick and give it to the third member.
Phase 3: The third member has to balance the bricks in the order of colors VIBGYOR on a platform that has to be balanced by a rope.
The team who balances the entire correct sequence for five seconds will win the task and that gang leader will get the power.
Phase 1NishkarshNehaRaftaarPrince
Phase 2PriyaKritiKhursheedPavneet
Phase 3NikhilAbhishekShubhadaGeetika
Team Nikhil won the task and Nikhil got the power to choose any one male and any one female roadie to join his gang.
Nishkarsh and Shubhada joined Gang Nikhil.
Wild Card Sharan Vs Mahekdeep
The roadies had to choose between Sharan and Mahekdeep to 'vote in' for the journey.
Mahekdeep entered into the competition by getting majority of votes.
  • 6th Task
Nikhil was given a choice to replace wild card roadie Mahekdeep with anyone in his gang. Mahekdeep joined Nikhil's gang after Nikhil chose to remove Nishkarsh.
For this task remaining 4 girls who were not in any gang were paired up with one male roadie each by the gang leaders.
The girl has to describe traditional ornaments from a picture of a couple. Each ornament is allotted a number which their partner has to check from Oppo phone. Then the partner has to ride a cart up to the numbers and pick up the ornament of that number, giving it to the girl. The girl finally has to dress those correct ornaments on a local couple.
1. The pair with maximum number of correct ornaments will get to choose which gang they want to join together.
2. The pair who came second will choose one gang leader who will decide that into which gang that pair should go.
3. The remaining two pairs will go directly into the danger zone.
  • 7th Task: Bihu-bali For this task, gangs & gang leaders had to create an entertainment performance with the Bihu Dance.
The winning gang will become immune from the next vote-out.
Judges: Rannvijay Singh & Gaelyn Mendonca
  1. The Gang Leaders had a power to disqualify one Gang from this Task.
  2. Gang Neha, Nikhil & Prince voted Raftaar and Raftaar voted Nikhil. As a 3-1 vote, Gang Raftaar was disqualified from the task results.
  3. Gang Raftaar were in 1st Place in the Task but due to disqualification, they didn't win Immunity.
  4. Gang Prince were 2nd Place, Gang Nikhil were in 3rd & Gang Neha were in 4th.
  5. Gang Prince won task and immunity.
  • 8th Task: Ande ka Funda
For this task, Gang Raftaar competed against Gang Nikhil and Gang Neha combined for 3 immunities because of Gang Raftaar being targeted in the 7th task.
So 2 members from Gang Raftaar would compete against one member each from the other two gangs.
The task had 3 phases.
1. One member has to dig eggs buried in a landmine and throw them to the second member through a net. After ten minutes, their positions will be interchanged.
2. One member has to throw those collected eggs to his partner. Any member from the opposite team has to stand in the middle of them with a bamboo in the hand and break the eggs before they reached the second member.
3. The team member has to throw the collected eggs to his gang leader who has to put one egg each in an inverted pot and break the pot without cracking the egg.
The team with more number of uncracked, perfect eggs will win the immunity.
Team Nikhil and Neha collected one egg but because Nikhil cracked the egg while breaking the pot, they lost the immunity.
Gang Raftaar couldn't collect a single egg and they lost immunity as well.
Nikhil & NehaRohanNishkarshSonu
  • 9th Task: Jaalbaaz
For this task the gang leaders had to choose one strongest and one weakest member respectively.
Two gangs had to form an alliance. In each alliance the strongest member of one gang will perform the task with the weakest member of the other gang.
Prince and Nikhil formed one alliance. Neha and Raftaar formed the other alliance
Prince & NikhilKashish-Shruti
Neha & RaftaarNishkarsh-Pavneet
The task had 2 phases.
Phase 1 : Both the contestants have to enter the grid from opposite directions and reach the central disc. According to the instructions given by their gang leaders with the help of Oppo phone, they have to construct a tower over the central disc.
Phase 2 : One contestant then has to move around the grid and collect 5 flags without disturbing the wires, which on slight touch can make the tower collapse.
  • The team completing the task in the least time will win.
Amongst the two winners, the member who has been selected as the strongest, will have immunity along with the other two members of his/her gang (except the weakest member of the gang)
  • The other winning member who has been selected will have immunity alone.
  • Team Mahekdeep and Minni won the challenge.
Hence, 3 members of Gang Nikhil and Minni from Gang Prince won immunity.
  • Mahekdeep, Rohan, Shubhada and Minni won immunity.
  • 10th Task: Dung Charades
For this task the gang leaders had to participate along with their gang members. The task had 3 stages.
Stage 1: The remaining members excluding one member each at stage 2 & stage 3 has to perform at this stage.
The contestants have to enter a pit filled with rhinoceros poop and dig out tokens with their mouth and legs, with their hands tied at the back.
Once a team collects 10 tokens, they can move to the second stage.
Stage 2: The contestant has to decipher a Bollywood movie name from emoticons and act it out to the team member at stage 3.
Stage 3: The contestant has to guess the Bollywood movies.
The team which guesses two movies first wins the task and wins one immunity.
Stage 1Nikhil
Stage 2ShrutiSandyRaftaarKhursheed
Stage 3ShubhadaNehaPavneetPrince
  • Gang Nikhil won the task.
  • Shruti got immunity.
  • 11th Task: Macho survival of the toughest
  • For this task, one boy and one girl from each gang will perform the task.
    • The pair coming first will get immunity as well as one advantage.
    • The pair coming second will get one advantage.
    • The pair coming third will get an envelope. If the gang uses it correctly, it will be an advantage. If it doesn't, it will be a disadvantage.
    The task has 3 stages:
    Stage 1: (1) The girl has to free herself from a bamboo cage. (2) The boy has to break the log of wood in which a chain is attached, which locks one of his leg, thus freeing himself.
    Stage 2: The pair has to climb a net wall and reach to the other side by monkey crawling. The first 3 pairs to complete stage 2 only move on to the last stage.
    Stage 3: The pair has to row a boat across the river and wave their flag.
    • Gang Prince won the task and got immunity as well as one advantage.
    • Gang Nikhil won an advantage.
    • Gang Raftaar would get an envelope.
    • Kashish and Preeti got immunity.
    • Minni was sent directly into the vote out for physically pushing Kriti out of anger as physical violence is against the rule.
    • 12th Task: Renault Duster Tangle of the road
    For this task, one girl and one boy from each gang had to perform along with their gang leader.
    Two gangs had to form an alliance, but which has never been formed before.
    • Gang Prince and Gang Neha formed one alliance while Gang Nikhil and Gang Raftaar formed the other.
    1. One teammate has to drive the car off road. 2. The second teammate has to navigate the driver. 3. The third teammates of each alliance have to balance a rope between them and pick up 5 pots in the way with the help of a hook on the rope.
    At the end, both alliances have to throw the pots in a fire pit and break them. On breaking one pot, the other alliance gets 30 seconds added in their time.
    • Prince-Neha broke 3 pots. 1 minute 30 seconds got added to the other alliance.
    • Nikhil-Raftaar broke 4 pots. 2 minutes got added to the other alliance.
    The alliance completing the task in less time will win 2 immunities.
    • Alliance Prince-Neha won the task.
    • Surbhi and Kriti got immunity.
    • 13th Task: Durex India Murghabazi
    In this task one girl and one boy from each gang had to go against each other. Rohan and Shubdha from Gang Nikhil, Nishkarsh and Iram from Gang Neha, Kashish and Preeti from Prince's Gang and Sonu and Geetika from Raftaar's Gang. The Gangleaders had 100 fruits and they had to bet before every fight.
    The winners (1 girl and 1 boy) will get immunity along with all the other members of their gang who are not performing the task.
    Round 1:
    • Nishkarsh Vs Rohan
    Gang Leader:RaftaarNehaNikhilPrince
    Choice & Bet:Rohan: 30Rohan: 30Rohan: 10Rohan: 20
    Total Fruits:70709080
    • Preeti Vs Geetika
    Gang Leader:RaftaarNehaNikhilPrince
    Choice & Bet:Geetika:10Preeti: 10Preeti: 20Preeti: 10
    Total Fruits:608011090
    • Kashish Vs Sonu
    Gang Leader:RaftaarNehaNikhilPrince
    Choice & Bet:Sonu: 10Kashish: 20Kashsih: 20Kashish: 30
    Total Fruits:70609060
    • Shubdha Vs Iram:
    Gang Leader:RaftaarNehaNikhilPrince
    Choice & Bet:Shubdha: 20Iram: 10Shubdha: 10Shubdha: 10
    Total Fruits:609010060
    Round 2:
    • Sonu Vs Nishkarsh:
    Gang Leader:RaftaarNehaNikhilPrince
    Choice & Bet:Sonu: 50Sonu: 40Sonu: 100Sonu: 50
    Total Fruits:110130200110
    • Preeti Vs Iram:
    Gang Leader:RaftaarNehaNikhilPrince
    Choice & Bet:Preeti :30Preeti: 60Preeti: 40Preeti: 30
    Total Fruits:130170200130
    • Preeti, Nikav and Sonu got immunity.
    • 14th Task: Tag Buddy
    • For this task two gangs will compete against each other.
      The two winning gangs will immunity.
      There will be five rounds. In each round, there will be one raider and two defenders. The raider has to tag the defender's face with their gang colour.
      # Nikhil vs Raftaar
      Gang Raftaar won the match.
      # Prince vs Neha
      Gang Prince won the match.
      Sonu, Geetika, Shubhada, Abhishek, Sharan, Nishkarsh and Preeti won immunity.
      • 15th Task: Oppo F7 Rescue Plan
      For this task, Gang Nikhil and Gang Neha had to compete against each other for one immunity.
      • Shruti and Surbhi from the respective gangs were half buried in sand booths, with their hands tied with a rope.
      Two boys from each gang had to rescue their girl.
      • One boy had to swim in the lake and fetch:
      (1) A nail filer: To cut the rope, hence freeing their hands.
      (2) An axe: To break open the booth.
      (3) The key to the lock on the ankle of their girl.
      • The booth had another lock which was to be opened by the QR code on the oppo phone, unlocked by the girl via face recognition.
      • The first girl to come out of the booth and ring the bell wins one immunity for the gang.
      Gang Nikhil won the task and won one immunity. Rohan got the immunity.
      • 16th Task: Tick Tock Boom
      For this task, two gang members and the gang leader has to perform the task.
      1) The first roadie has to crash through a pile of boxes and make his way forward by crossing the path, hanging on the hooks from the ceiling.
      2) After crossing the obstacles, the first member has to pull down a bar, acting as a counter weight by which the second member gets pulled up to a certain height.
      3) The second member has to see through a binoculars and guide the third member in cutting four coloured wires in the given order, thus diffusing a time bomb.
      • The gang which diffuses the bomb in the least amount of time will win complete immunity.
      PositionGangCounterweightBinocularsBomb diffusion
      Gang Raftaar won the task and won immunity. Sonu, Abhishek, Geetika and Shubhada got immunity.


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16th Task: Tick Tock Boom

For this task, two gang members and the gang leader has to perform the task. 1) The first roadie has to crash through a pile of boxes and make his way forward by crossing the path, hanging on the hooks from the ceiling. 2) After crossing the obstacles, the first member has to pull down a bar, acting as a counter weight by which the second member gets pulled up to a certain height. 3) The second member has to see through a binoculars and guide the third member in cutting four coloured wires in the given order, thus diffusing a time bomb. The gang which diffuses the bomb in the least amount of time will win complete immunity. Position Gang Counterweight Binoculars Bomb diffusion 1 Raftaar Abhishek Shubhada Raftaar 2 Neha Kashish Neha Surbhi 3 Prince Sharan Prince Preeti 4 Nikhil Rohan Nikhil Shruti Gang Raftaar won the task and won immunity. Sonu, Abhishek, Geetika and Shubhada got immunity.

19th Task: Ball Ball Bachke.

For this task the unimmune roadies had to perform individually. The boys and the girls competed separately. The goal was to protect your own ball and at the same time get your opponent's ball out of the ring. Preeti won in girls and Nishkarsh won in boys. Preeti and Nishkarsh got immunity.

15th Task: Oppo F7 Rescue Plan

For this task, Gang Nikhil and Gang Neha had to compete against each other for one immunity. Shruti and Surbhi from the respective gangs were half buried in sand booths, with their hands tied with a rope. Two boys from each gang had to rescue their girl. One boy had to swim in the lake and fetch: (1) A nail filer: To cut the rope, hence freeing their hands. (2) An axe: To break open the booth. (3) The key to the lock on the ankle of their girl. The booth had another lock which was to be opened by the QR code on the oppo phone, unlocked by the girl via face recognition. The first girl to come out of the booth and ring the bell wins one immunity for the gang. Gang Nikhil won the task and won one immunity. Rohan got the immunity.